The Weather Network - Parry Sound, Ontario

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Blog Bust!!

Breaking News!
It looks like the much anticipated MLCAML Blog Docktail party, to be funded by Blog Ad earnings, will not happen.  After what appears to be an intensive investigation (probably) involving multiple levels of government (maybe) in what may well have been an international sting operation, the MLCAML blog has been accused of "invalid activity" regarding ad clicks.  All funds earned to date have been refunded to the "alleged" advertisers and the MLCAML Google Ad account has been closed.  When contacted for comment, a representative of the RCMP had this to say:    "...for service in English please press 1 now".  Exactly.  The whole thing reeks of a cover up!  The Blog Master could not be reached for comment, but his out of office reply stated that he was not available as he was busy "Aclickinforcash", whatever that is?  Probably trying to match homeless people with good jobs or some other charitable cause, God Bless him.  The Blogmaster has yet to hire a lawyer, but they certainly would be exploring any and all avenues for an appeal and to restore the good name of the Blog Master and all of the Blog Followers, who are probably the real criminals in this case anyways.
So, until the appeal is heard and won, there will be no more ads appearing on the MLCAML Blog.  I for one say thank goodness.  The pure art that appears on this Blog in the form of witty comments, photos, valuable education and health and safety tips should never have been sullied by the corporate pigs and greed bred from a capatalist society and their shameless advertising and corruption of innocence.  Good riddance. 

The Blog Master's reaction when told of the "invalid activity".
(Identity concealed due to publication ban)

Stay tuned for further developments in this story.  Donations are being accepted and will be used for the defense of the alleged allegations.

Associated Press Association