The Weather Network - Parry Sound, Ontario

Monday, June 28, 2010



Come dressed to your favourite music era and dance under the stars.
Put on your bobby socks & blue suede shoes and
show off your best dance moves!

When: Saturday, July 10, 2010
Where: Lodge Deck
Time: 9:30pm

Prizes Awarded for:
• Spot dances
• Best Dressed Dancer
• King & Queen of the hop

 An MLCAML Sponsored Event       Rain Date TBA        *Remember – don’t drink & jive...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


(or "four" as Sam texted to me menacingly on the eve of the big match!)

The 1st annual Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake Links Challenge (MLCAMLLC) took place on May 15th, 2010 at the Parry Sound Golf Club. Participants were chosen via a complex qualification system akin to the selection process for the Masters. In other words, Poolhouse Rob had a coupon and the first three other people to hear about it became eligible to reap the benefits of Rob's offer to share the wealth!! In the end, the field was Poolhouse Rob, Lodge Ron, Lakehead Tom and Wannabe Sam. The toughest test this group would face was the tee time………………….8:00 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some unbelievable golf was displayed throughout the round, however the scorecard has gone mising and the results have been lost forever! Though I am pretty sure that Tom won as Sam put all his golf balls and few others into the same pond on the same hole, I believe Rob is still in the bunker we lowered him into at the 12th before realizing there was no way he was getting his ball, or himself back out, and Ron was last seen trying to find the puny head on his puny driver!! Photographic evidence below……………...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The MLCAML Blog Returns!!!!

Well, I finally made bail and am free to blog once again! All appeals have been exhausted and the Google decision (degooglecision) stands. NO MONEY FOR YOU!! EVER!!

Whatever, who cares, all the advertisers were scammers and thieves anyways.  So, where were we????

Blog Master being led into court.
Looks like prison life agreed with him!

Anyhoo, well I was gone, Mutton Lake nearly ran out of water!! We experienced record low water levels during the last week of May and the first couple weeks of June.

How low was it?  It was so low that Kenny walked to the Island!!

Photo: Ken half way to Island. Nice Tan eh!!??

My theory is that Google Goons were stealing our water as an act of revenge for the perceived blog "ad-scam"!

But if it was not Google Goons, where did all the water go? The Falls at Lakehead, being one of our major inputs have been running strong, and the beaver dam down the river has been doing its job, so…where did all the water go?. The answer, Evaporation.

EVAPORATION - Here are the facts:

  • Mutton Lake contains exactly (that's right, exactly) 810 Million litres of water (that's 98,973,607 cases of beer!).
  • Under the following conditions: 12c water temps, combined with 18c air temp and relative humidity of 45%, Mutton Lake would lose about 1.2 million litres of water a day (that’s 146,627 cases of beer), or about 2.75cm of water depth. 11 Days of these conditions and Mutton Lake would lower about 1 foot.
  • Evaporation increases as humidity drops and temps rise. Evaporation stops at about 70% relative humidity.
Obviously there a many factors, but you get the point, lots of water can be lost to evaporation when we don't have the rain to replace it. So there, believe it or not!

The Sted Manco Radio Hour has returned and renewed itself as a Saturday night classic, entertaining all MLCAML members. During the season premier a couple of weeks ago, Sted introduced us all to his very own theme song to open the program, which in itself, is worth tuning in for. This past Saturday was a Karaoke edition of the popular radio show AND Sted introduced us to an exciting new addition to the broadcast, weatherman Parry Hooter! Although Parry sounded a little nervous during his first appearance on the show, I think I speak for all listeners when I say we look forward to hearing more on the spot weather conditions, mafore codes, forecasts and especially, in which direction the wind is NOT blowing!! Welcome Parry!!

Parry Hooter of the Sted Manco show comes live to us from the newly installed Mutton Lake Meteorologic Centre of Applied Meteorology of Mutton Lake (MLMCAMML). This is a high tech weather station designed to provide MLCAML members with specialized, localized and approximized weather conditions and forecasts. The facility was financed in a part by some members of the Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake (MLCAML) and installed as a group effort. The centre will be known simply as the MLCAML-MLMCAMML.
This is not a photo of the MLCAML-MLMCAMML weather station.

Poolhouse's Chris nearly killed himself while wakeboarding due to a high speed dropoff too close the dock! Captain Drive Safely would have been so proud! Glad to report, no serious injury, but some cuts and bruises and a really cool story. Rumour has it there are photos, and Blog-land would love to see them, so cough them up if you have them!

The first annula MLCAML Golf Tourny was held back on May 15.  More on this in a future post.....

Stay tuned,

See ya!