The Weather Network - Parry Sound, Ontario

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


(or "four" as Sam texted to me menacingly on the eve of the big match!)

The 1st annual Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake Links Challenge (MLCAMLLC) took place on May 15th, 2010 at the Parry Sound Golf Club. Participants were chosen via a complex qualification system akin to the selection process for the Masters. In other words, Poolhouse Rob had a coupon and the first three other people to hear about it became eligible to reap the benefits of Rob's offer to share the wealth!! In the end, the field was Poolhouse Rob, Lodge Ron, Lakehead Tom and Wannabe Sam. The toughest test this group would face was the tee time………………….8:00 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some unbelievable golf was displayed throughout the round, however the scorecard has gone mising and the results have been lost forever! Though I am pretty sure that Tom won as Sam put all his golf balls and few others into the same pond on the same hole, I believe Rob is still in the bunker we lowered him into at the 12th before realizing there was no way he was getting his ball, or himself back out, and Ron was last seen trying to find the puny head on his puny driver!! Photographic evidence below……………...

(for results of this shot, see 3 pics below...)


Ron's first lesson!

Sam's caddy retrieving his balls!  (I think I know this guy?!)

Sometimes golfers have to amputate for the correct stance!
Well done, peg leg!!

Athletes in their prime!

See ya!


  1. Ok,,,I'm no pro golfer or anything, but picture no.3, that ball is not going anywhere but in the water. Maybe someone should have told him. Why is photo no4 so tiny, is that really Tom? And,,,are those crocs?

  2. Anonymous:
    Yes, it was going in the water.
    Why would we tell him?
    Yes, that was Tom at last year's British Open!
    Yes, those are Crocs!!!!
