The Weather Network - Parry Sound, Ontario

Monday, March 22, 2010

Blog Launch

Hello all members of the Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake (MLCAML) and welcome to the beta test for a cottage blog.
Reed #5 has inspired me to start this blog, could be a great place to post pics, news and most importantly, party invitations!! Look for exciting features like;
  • Picture of the Week
  • Weekend in Review (Stain Report!)
  • Captain Drive Safely safety tips
  • Wild life Report
  • Fish report, aka, the John and Rob report!
  • Mbay - FreeBay
  • Interesting Facts
If anyone has any news, pictures, INVITATIONS they want posted, email Lakehead at

Below is a sample of what you can expect......................I was up a couple weekends ago......


March 21 Report
Brier and I attended Lakehead this weekend. Happy to report that the snow is all but gone, just trace amounts amongst the trees. The ice is in retreat, open water from Lakehead to just past campers point. Speaking of Campers point, there was about 4 people having a fire or bbq there on Sunday. I think they were quite surprised to see me go by in a kayak! The weather was amazing, despite the crappy forecast, there was barely a cloud in the sky all day Sat and Sunday, it was a perfect spring weekend! The attached pics are from my phone, so not great, but there is a pic of each cottage in the bay, proof that they are all still standing, and as far as I could tell, no trees upon them!


mBay - FreeBay
Lakehead went into WalMart this past Sat to pick up a couple of $5 DVDs and ended up walking out with a new 32" flatscreen!! Therefore, we have a new item up on FreeBAY!! See pic below.
This bad boy is about a 21" vintage colour TV featuring channel up and down buttons as well as volume controls to compliment the on/off switch!! Do not hesitate! This baby wil only be available to the first taker until Easter weekend when it will be donated to the Christie Township dump store.
Captain Drive Safely Tip of the Week! When snowmobiling on thin ice during the spring thaw season, be sure to compliment each beer with some sort of Liqueur or hard booze prior to your trip. This will thin your blood to improve circulation, increase your blood alcohol level and therefore increase your chance of survival when you inevitably go through the razor thin ice. Have you ever seen a frozen bottle of Vodka?? Didn't think so!! I rest my case.
Remember:  "Scotch in your water, Beer while you steer!!!"

See you all Easter Weekend.  Stay tuned for upcoming news regarding our First Long Weekend of 2010!

(Oh, in case you were wondering, in Roman Numerals, MLCAML = 1050100A1050!)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!!! I'm thrilled to be the first to congratulate you on the launch of the MLCAML blog,,even though I'm not a member, I'm proud to have inspired you (I'm sure I'll regret this at some point!) and I look forwarding to following the adventures at Mutton Lake. I have no doubt this will be a wildly popular site! Can't wait for the free giveaways and prizes! To all members of the MLCAML, beware the camera. It might be a good idea to change your names now. ; )


    (p.s. for the protection of my own reputation, uh hum,,I've become a follower 'privately' so pls don't be offended if you don't see MLCAML on my blog roll) ; )
