The Weather Network - Parry Sound, Ontario

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Fundays

Get out the sun screen!
Looks like this weekend could be the nicest weekend of the summer if last year is any indication!!  Sunny and 21 Degrees both Friday and Saturday!! Hope the Easter Bunnies don't melt! Calling for showers and 13 for Sunday, and about the same for holiday Monday (well, holiday for us government slaves!).   

Lakehead will be heading up on Thurs night. Remember to tune in to Channel 4 (for Bobby Orr!!) on your MLCAML radio waves and announce your arrival. (that cartoon kills me bty).

Easter Weekend Events
This is a jam packed long weekend of events!! 
  • Saturday @ noon do not miss the  Poolhose Easter "Egg" hunt!!  This is age appropriate fun for all!  I know someone at the Lodge really, really, really enjoyed this last year!! 
  • Then, for those still "able", @ 3pm Saturday, there will be a Birthday Party at the Point for the youngest goaltender in the MLCAML.....see pic below!  (BTY, I think it's a surprise!!)
  • There will also be a Blog Launch Party!!  Not sure what a Blog Launch Party would be, but, the words Blog and Party seem to fit the MLCAML crowd to a Tee......I am sure we will figure it out!     This will likely just be incorporated into the Birthday Party....that way we can all justify drinking heavily at a child's birthday party!! 
  • Following the Birthday/Blog Launch Party will be The MLCAML Easter Pot Luck dinner at the Point (oh ya, this should be good!)  Contact Pride Rock for details of what to bring so it too can be left out in the cold while the drunks get drunkser!!
**Work will only be permitted on Friday between noon and 3pm, and only if the temperatures do not rise above 21 degrees.   

Attendance Outlook
Looks like all the regulars will be up this weekend.
PLUS! Warm the beer!  Sir Brian of Mother England will be gracing his rolling estate this weekend.  Jolly good!  Brilliant!!  Safe travels my good man.

Click the link below to see an Easter Greeting from Lady Silvia of Mother England.
BTW, Lady Silvia informed me not to worry about warming the beer as Brian will tea todling it this weekend!!

Kerri's opening Stain act last year may be hard to top, but my money this year is on Rob.....just a gut feeling!  Though it could be anyone, you never know who's time it is to shine!!

mBAY - freeBAY - update:
The vintage 21" colour TV has yet to be claimed......don't be shy.  Delivery is included!

Blog Blog Blog
Try to add yourslef as a follower, I understand this could be problematic, but just try ok?  And feel free to leave comments.....just click on "Comments" at the bottom of each post.
While all you MLCAML members know who you are, you should also know we have a loyal cast of Wannabes, namely. the Francisisis's of Barrie, and Sister 5......beware, they are listening!



  1. Um.....x'cuse me 'Government Slave' get Friday AND Monday off???

  2. Yes, that is correct. However, since I am just a contracted slave, I do not get paid! So your donations are welcome to help through this temporary lay-off!

  3. Should we add a "Tom fundraising event" to the schedule?

  4. I'll do a few extra clicks on the ads as my contribution to your short term temporary 'unemployment situation', which happens to fall on a holiday weekend. Keep up the good work,,,,,,I mean blogging,,,,,,errr,,,I mean work and blogging,,,,umm,,,but not blogging while working, obviously,,,,,cause that's not allowed. right.
