The Weather Network - Parry Sound, Ontario

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Wrap-Up

Stain Report
The first long weekend is behind us.  The weather was summer-like, the water was ice-like and the parties were fun-like!  Which of course brings us to the first long weekends Stain nominees brought to you by Tide.......Stains Out, No Doubt!!
Congrats to all nominees!  But remember, not winning this award is no reason to feel shame, just being nominated should be shameful enough!!  As always though, it was tough to choose a winner from such a stellar crop, and following a lively discussion amongst the council, here are the nominees.........

  • Ted clearly had the early lead despite being on lite duty with a lacerated digit.....he made a remarkable recovery however to be at his child's side for her b-day......(sob!)

  • Rob was getting there, but couldn't live down to the low expectations.

  • John, always a contender was declared the "Free Square" on the Bingo Card and, as such, is not eligible!

  • Kerri barely survived the Easter "Hunt" once again, but seeemed to pull it together, only to put herself right back into contention once the storm hit........close, but not this time..................

  • Which of course leaves our friend from across the pond, the gracefull Ballroom dance instructor and first Stain of the season, Sir Brian.  Not a flashy participant, but quietly went about his business without great disturbance until some "BASTARD" moved his empty mug he so strategically placed in the middle of the road to be retreived upon his return.....brilliant move in thoery, not so much in execution!! Well done old chap!! Jolly good!  Bravo! 
Photographic evidence of the stain would be much appreciated.  Please send to

Wild Life Report
Beavers were spotted at both The Point and Lakehead.  Cute, furry little fellas they were......looked like they could use a shave though!!

Stay tuned..............................

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