The Weather Network - Parry Sound, Ontario

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Trivia Contest

Time for some MLCAML trivia to pass the time til the summer weather returns!!
None of the answers are available on line so do not even try to Google them!!
Submit your answers by clicking on the comments button at the bottom of this post.
First one to submit all correct answers will be declared the winner.  The prize is, of course, a surprise!

1)  What is the surface area of Mutton Lake?
         a) 4.5 hectares
         b) 45 hectares
         c) 450 hectares
         d) one million trillion hectares

2) What year was the first annual Mutton Lake Lodge Horseshoe Tournament played?

3) How many of the 6 cottages in the Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake make up the 6 member cottages of the Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake?
        a) 6.5
        b) 10
        c) 6
        d) 33

4) How many metres from Lakehead Dock to Lodge Dock? (via the channel as if in a boat)
        a) 640
        b) 710
        c) 1500
        d) one million trillion metres
5) How many metres from Lakehead Dock to Point Dock? (via the channel as if in a boat)
       a) 640
       b) 710
       c) 1500
       d) one trillion zillion metres

6) If Brier pees in the water at Lakehead at 10am, at what time does Elgin dive into that pee at the Point?
      a) 10:15
      b) 10am the next day
      c) at Miller time
      d) all the time

7)  How many total colours are on the 2 flags that traditionally fly at Pride Rock?
      a) 3
      b) 4
      c) 2
      d) one million billion colours

8) If Sam is travelling north, in the fog, on highway 400 at 120 km/hour and Bobby Orr is travelling south on highway 400 at 110 km/hour at the same place and time, why is Sam a Jack Ass?
      a) because he thinks he saw Bobby Orr go by.
      b) because he actually TOLD people he thinks he saw Bobby Orr go by.
      c) because....just because
      d) all of the above and so much more

9)  How many members of the Mutton Lake super duo, "The Lava Lamps" actually have talent?
      a) 1
      b) all of the above

10) How many more sleeps until the next long weekend!!!!
       a) 37
       b) 31
       c) 5
       d) one million billion sleeps

Good luck to everyone!!  See you soon.

Also, don't forget to send me any photos you wouldlike to share with the world! 

See ya!!!


  1. This should be an easy contest since you only have 3 followers who know how to log onto a blog.

    1. a
    2. 2010 = 30th (a)
    3. might sound crazy but,,,(c)??
    4. a
    5. if 4 is (a) then 5 is (b)
    6. d
    7. a
    8. d
    9. b (assuming 1 is Ted)
    10. 36 if your a government slave, 37 for the rest of us (a)

    When do I get my prize?

  2. Sorry 5, but 70% doesn't cut it!
    100% gets the prize!!


  3. If the Quiz Master's answers are legit then here are our answers:

    1. b)
    2. b)
    3. c)
    4. a)
    5. b)
    6. d) (although Miller time is - all the time)
    7. c)
    8. d)
    9. b) (Steve is good too)

    Fingers Crossed!!!

  4. Well Pride Rock, nice try....but 8/10 is usually pretty good, but not this far you are just the best loser!

  5. The following answers were submited by one of MLCAML's loyal wannabes.......

    Just for the record . . .

    I was merely asking questions about the questions prior to attempting to answer the questions - I love tests.
    Back in 1978, I was still playing with Barbie's while Lisa was out dancing with her bell bottoms on! : )

    Here are my answers,

    1) b
    2) a - this is purely a guess as I have never attended and couldn't get any info out of Lisa
    3) c
    4) a
    5) b
    6) d - along with everyone else's pee!
    7) c
    8) d
    9) b - I also hear there is a great radio station to listen to up there
    10) a

    Thanks for the entertainment Tom.


  6. Well Susan, 9/10 and you have never even been up there!! While that is good for you, it is double shame for the rest!!
    Still no suprise prize winner!!


  7. Tom

    Would you be kind enough to post Poolhouses's answers to your trivia please

    1 - B
    4 - B
    7 - B
    10 - A
    2 - A
    5 - A
    8 - D
    3 - C
    6 - C
    9 - B


  8. Still no winner!! Poolhouse scores a 7.5....the .5 comes from answer 6, c) miller time could actually be d)all the time... nevertheless, it takes 10/10 to earn the surprise prize!!!


  9. To the Quiz Master:

    By deduction,comparing our answers with MLCAML Wanna Be, we (pride rock) believe we have the correct answers. Explanation please...
    Perhaps a stewards inquiry is required?

    Or is number 6 THE LOSER?!?!

  10. I demand a recount. MLCAML Wanna Be scored 9 out of 10,,,,,BUT her answers are the exact same as mine except for 2. But you only gave me 7 out of 10??? Are you sure you're using both hands to count?

    I agree with Pride Rock,,,you are a loser and an inquiry is needed. The Quiz Master sux and the prize probably does too.

    Anon (aka Five)

  11. Holy hostility!! you know, you try to do something nice and look at the reaction!!

    Five, you and Wannabe Susan answered differently for question 1 and it looks like YOU are the loser!!

    As for the stewards inquiry, Pride Rock, I am deducting a point from your score for the implication that I am a 7/10 for Pride Rock!!!!!!!!!!

    Answers to be posted soon, check back frequently, and don't forget to visit our sponsors!!! (daddy needs new shoes!)

  12. 1. b
    2. b
    3. c
    4. a
    5. b
    6. d
    7. c
    8. d
    9. a (com'on Ted is trying!)
    BTU, Lodgers think the Quiz Master is doing an AWESOME!! job.
