The Weather Network - Parry Sound, Ontario

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Boats Ahoy!

Emma Lee Floats!!
It was a very exciting weekend amongst those MLCAMLers who were there. Here are some highlights!

Greg made his first appearance of the year as he prepares for his prolonged exile at Baywatch. Oddly enough, chief among his concerns was internet access! This from a man who said to me"….f^*k, well, I don't know how to start an email from scratch, but I can reply to one that was sent to me…..". Hmmmmm?

Poolhouse housed a complete and total STAIN, who shall remain nameless, except to say it rhymes with Blob! There also appeared to be some sort of work going on over at Poolhouse, but I didn't get close enough to see exacxtly what was happening…..

Lakehead  launched! Thanks to Baywatch for the use of his home…er, I mean his truck, and Poolhouse for providing the launch facility!

And the most exciting news of all….The Lodge picked and Launched their brand new 17', 90hp Legend named the "Emma Lee". Apparently it took a lot of work to get her into the water, but I didn't get close enough to see exacxtly what was happening, but it is in and she is a beauty. Ron was a little confused however, he had no idea where to spray the quick start to gett'er goin!  Anyways, she rides like a dream with nary a sound……..even the radio is quiet!! 
Less quiet was the Birthday celebration for Kerri that followed.  It was a very special evening with the traditional cake and scotch!  Through tears, Kerri said it was the best birthday ever...or something like that, I wasn't really listening.........good times!

Fresh off his his spring boat shows tour and with 2 of the MLCAML boats in the water and the rest soon to follow, Captain Drive Safely wishes to pass on some of his Boating safety tips to ensure everyone gets the absolute most enjoyment from there favourite activity involving liquid!!

Captain Drive Safely Safety Tips
  • Ensure all cup holders, the drivers in particular, are clean and obstruction free.
  • Be prepared! Always carry a surplus of beverages, you never know when you might have a spill or pick up some babes along the way. (or dudes)
  • Plan ahead. When traveling by boat to a party, one is always well stocked for the trip over and the party itself, but do NOT forget about the trip home! Leaving a full beverage in the cup holder when you arrive is an easy way to ensure you have the "one more" you need when you hop aboard for the late night, long journey home! 
  • Speaking of the late night journey home…..just because it is dark, that is no reason to reduce speeds. Whether you are traveling fast or slow, it will remain dark! Since it is a known fact that the more time you spend on the water, the greater your risk of drowning, it only makes sense to always go fast and get the hell off the water and on to dry ground where it is safe!
  • The amount of beer required to operate a power boat is directly and positively proportionate to the amount of horsepower of the vessel you intend to drive.  10hp requires 1 beer, 20hp-2 beer......90hp-9 beer......and so on. 
  •  And always remember; canoes, kayaks and peddle boats are not really boats and therefore do not belong on our prestine lakes.  If you should encounter any of these lake menace, pass them closely and at full throttle.  This display of speed and power will be sure to leave the occupants of these "obstacles" in awe and may inspire them to get out of their death traps into the safety of a "liquid" powered wake maker
So Happy Boating everybody, and remember....
Scotch in your water, beer while you steer!!


Monday, April 19, 2010

MLCAML Trivia Answers

Well, I have to say that the Trivia Contest stirred quite a reaction, and a lot of unwanted hostility!!
I seriously considered not ever revealing the answers, but that just would not be fair to the decent folk.  So below you will find not only the answers, but the proof of each answer as I am sure the skeptics would be raging in the absence of such proof! 

The Pride Rock ordered stewards inquiry did reveal one small itsy bitsy error on the quiz master's part, HOWEVER, this did not affect the outcome as no one correctly answered all of the questions as required to claim the surprise prize!!

But, even though no one correctly answered all 10 questions.....we do have a WINNER.  The Lodge scored 9/10, however have been rewarded 1 bonus point for declaring the Quizmaster to be Awesome!!!  Congrats Lodgers, well done!  Be on the lookout for your Surprise Prize!!

1.  Answer, b) Mutton Lake has a surface area of 45 hectares. 
Proof:  I am a professional measurer, it is what I do and I am almost always sometimes right about these things!

2. Answer b) The first MLL Horshoe tournament was contested in 1981.
I actually though it was 1980 and graded all of the answers that matter, just add 1 to your loser score if you answered 1981.
Proof: Ask Ron, or visit the Lodge and have a gander at the trophy.

3.  Answer c) There 6 cottages in the Mutton Lake Cotage Association of Mutton Lake which make up the 6 member Cottages of the Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake.
Proof:  See map above, which shows all of the member cottages of the Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake, and count them.  (note, this will require both hands!)

4. Answer a) As the boat floats, it is 640 metres from the Lakehard Dock to the Lodge dock.
Proof:  See photo below.

5. Answer a) As the boat floats, it is 640 metres from the Lakehard Dock to the Point dock.
Proof: See photo below.

6. Actually that question contained an error, as Brier never pees in the lake......I on the other hand do it all the time!!  So the question is still valid re the science of it all..........Answer is indeed d) Elgin dives into my pee all of the time, and so do the rest of you!!!!!!!!  (sucks to be downstream!)
Proof:  You really don't want to know!

7. Answer, c) The 2 flags that fly at Pride Rock have a total of 2 different colours.
Proof:  Pride Rock proudly flies the Canadian Flag and the Flag of Mother Egland!

8. Answer, d) Sam is a Jack Ass for all the reasons listed in the question plus so many more!
Proof:  Knowing Sam.

9. Answer a) or b) The Moutton Lake super duo, the Lava Lamps only have 1 talented member.
Proof:  Ask anyone who has heard them play.

10. Answer a)  At the time of posting there was 37 more sleeps iuntil the next long weekend!!
Proof:  The Julian Calendar and my ability to use a calculator.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hello from Baywatch

The following note was received today from Baywatch:

greetings fellow cottagers. i am back to the great white north, in a big way. after sparring with the real estate it looks like may 1 i will be officially homeless. so after over 5 minutes of contemplation i have decided to hole up on mutton lake for a little while until the smoke clears. that might not be the ideal place to wait for the smoke to clear, but i'm going in anyway. if you get up that way stop by for a visit, you will find me , i'm on toms map.

Wow.  5 minutes of contemplation!!  Did not think you had that in you Mason!!
I think I speak for the entire MLCAML when i say we can't wait to raise a glass or two with you!  I am also a little fearful of what may come of a bored to tears Mason over an extended, isolated stay in your cabin by the, hello?  did someone say Uni-bomber??  I am ascared...........

Answers to the Trivia will be posted on Monday, please submit your answers for your chance at the suprise prize.  Only one entry so far (and one sneaky attempt to obtain the know who you are), but no winner.  If you can't leave a comment for some reason, send your answers to me via email and i will post for you......

See Ya!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Trivia Contest

Time for some MLCAML trivia to pass the time til the summer weather returns!!
None of the answers are available on line so do not even try to Google them!!
Submit your answers by clicking on the comments button at the bottom of this post.
First one to submit all correct answers will be declared the winner.  The prize is, of course, a surprise!

1)  What is the surface area of Mutton Lake?
         a) 4.5 hectares
         b) 45 hectares
         c) 450 hectares
         d) one million trillion hectares

2) What year was the first annual Mutton Lake Lodge Horseshoe Tournament played?

3) How many of the 6 cottages in the Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake make up the 6 member cottages of the Mutton Lake Cottage Association of Mutton Lake?
        a) 6.5
        b) 10
        c) 6
        d) 33

4) How many metres from Lakehead Dock to Lodge Dock? (via the channel as if in a boat)
        a) 640
        b) 710
        c) 1500
        d) one million trillion metres
5) How many metres from Lakehead Dock to Point Dock? (via the channel as if in a boat)
       a) 640
       b) 710
       c) 1500
       d) one trillion zillion metres

6) If Brier pees in the water at Lakehead at 10am, at what time does Elgin dive into that pee at the Point?
      a) 10:15
      b) 10am the next day
      c) at Miller time
      d) all the time

7)  How many total colours are on the 2 flags that traditionally fly at Pride Rock?
      a) 3
      b) 4
      c) 2
      d) one million billion colours

8) If Sam is travelling north, in the fog, on highway 400 at 120 km/hour and Bobby Orr is travelling south on highway 400 at 110 km/hour at the same place and time, why is Sam a Jack Ass?
      a) because he thinks he saw Bobby Orr go by.
      b) because he actually TOLD people he thinks he saw Bobby Orr go by.
      c) because....just because
      d) all of the above and so much more

9)  How many members of the Mutton Lake super duo, "The Lava Lamps" actually have talent?
      a) 1
      b) all of the above

10) How many more sleeps until the next long weekend!!!!
       a) 37
       b) 31
       c) 5
       d) one million billion sleeps

Good luck to everyone!!  See you soon.

Also, don't forget to send me any photos you wouldlike to share with the world! 

See ya!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Bunny

This bunny not only hides eggs, but beer mugs too!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Wrap-Up

Stain Report
The first long weekend is behind us.  The weather was summer-like, the water was ice-like and the parties were fun-like!  Which of course brings us to the first long weekends Stain nominees brought to you by Tide.......Stains Out, No Doubt!!
Congrats to all nominees!  But remember, not winning this award is no reason to feel shame, just being nominated should be shameful enough!!  As always though, it was tough to choose a winner from such a stellar crop, and following a lively discussion amongst the council, here are the nominees.........

  • Ted clearly had the early lead despite being on lite duty with a lacerated digit.....he made a remarkable recovery however to be at his child's side for her b-day......(sob!)

  • Rob was getting there, but couldn't live down to the low expectations.

  • John, always a contender was declared the "Free Square" on the Bingo Card and, as such, is not eligible!

  • Kerri barely survived the Easter "Hunt" once again, but seeemed to pull it together, only to put herself right back into contention once the storm hit........close, but not this time..................

  • Which of course leaves our friend from across the pond, the gracefull Ballroom dance instructor and first Stain of the season, Sir Brian.  Not a flashy participant, but quietly went about his business without great disturbance until some "BASTARD" moved his empty mug he so strategically placed in the middle of the road to be retreived upon his return.....brilliant move in thoery, not so much in execution!! Well done old chap!! Jolly good!  Bravo! 
Photographic evidence of the stain would be much appreciated.  Please send to

Wild Life Report
Beavers were spotted at both The Point and Lakehead.  Cute, furry little fellas they were......looked like they could use a shave though!!

Stay tuned..............................